
Free software tool for remote patient monitoring

Free platform of the medical questionnaires DocContact was developed to give an opportunity for any physician to stay in touch with the patient and remotely control any changes in health conditions

Using DocContact you will be able to:


medical questionnaire to the patient

Control medications administration

by your patients


your own questionnaire

Download data

of all questionnaires completed by your patients in a convenient format

Track completion

of the questionnaires by your patients and easily review dynamics in health conditions

Constantly stay in touch

with your patients without using of your personal phone

Medical questionnaires – remote monitoring of patient’s condition in routine practice

Create your own questionnaire or use one from the app library to monitor your patients remotely. Questionnaires can be a tool for identifying complications, adverse reactions to therapy, and assessing the dynamics of the patient’s condition

Question options:

  • Select one answer option
  • Select multiple answer options
  • Free input field
  • Attach a photo/document as an answer to a question

Options for the frequency of questionnaires assignments:

  • Daily
  • Once every three days
  • Weekly
  • Once every two weeks
  • Monthly
  • Any other (if needed)

Number of questions in a questionnaire: unlimited. Number of questionnaires for one patient: unlimited.

Simple interface and quick registration as advantages of the application

Patient registration

takes no more than a minute

The patient has access

to the doctor’s comments on the assessment of the completed surveys



by email

The patient receives notifications

about the appointment of new surveys and the activation of surveys according to the schedule

App is not «overloaded»

with options for the patient and is intuitive even for the older age group

A doctor can add a patient

to himself and assign him a questionnaire only if he knows the patient’s unique 6-digit number

Visual system for evaluating questionnaire results

When a questionnaire is scheduled

or a questionnaire is activated according to the selected schedule, the patient receives a notification about the need to complete the questionnaire

After the patient completes the questionnaire

the physician receives a notification about the need to evaluate the questionnaire results

Questionnaire evaluation by a doctor:

  • A doctor can see the dynamics of the patient’s previous answers using color coding of answers
  • A doctor can enter a comment as an assessment of the questionnaire results, which will become available to the patient
  • A doctor can request to download all patient’s questionnaire results for the entire period in a convenient format for subsequent statistical processing, or archiving in the patient’s chart


DocContact – a new way of remote interaction for doctor and patient

Patient questionnaires

allows to assess their condition to identify complications, reactions to therapy and assess changes in dynamics

Physician's assessment

of questionnaires results to track dynamics

Communication via chat*

between a doctor and his patient, without sharing of the doctor’s personal contacts (chat can be disabled at the doctor’s discretion)

*chat supports attaching photos and documents

We invite you to cooperate (free services):

  • Scientific institutions and private researchers – to organize medical questionnaires in your research
  • Medical institutions and private practitioners – to introduce the practice of monitoring the patient’s condition using medical questionnaires into your practice
  • Any other options for cooperation to expand the practice of using medical questionnaires — just write to us, we are open to any suggestions


DocContact Legal

LLC DocContact®

Address: 115432 Russian Federation, Moscow, Trofimova street 25-1-55.

D-U-N-S: 933897953
